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Black Hat SEO eBook

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The Black Hat SEO eBook

A Complete Guide to
Black Hat SEO

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This Ebook contains Black Hat SEO Techniques, tips, tricks, secrets and methods that really work !

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Black Hat SEO Book

Learn Black Hat Search Engine Optimization in this explosive ebook.

The Black Hat SEO Ebook

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Black Hat SEO Publishing proudly presents the Black Hat SEO Book.


FACT - Black hat SEO (Black Hat Search Engine optimization) does work !

So long as we have the Internet we will always have black hat SEO.

This is because of the little time, effort and money spent building and promoting a website using blackhat SEO techniques in comparison with the huge costs, effort and time spent on creating and building a white hat SEO website. Also add into the equation the success rate in ratio to this time, effort and money spent and its small wonder that black hat SEO webmasters are fast becoming the scourge of the Internet.

Like it or not black hat SEO is here to stay.

In The Black Hat SEO eBook you will learn :-

1) How to generate huge lists of obscure keyword phrases and long tail keywords from one root keyword in any niche, all from original search engine queries.
2) How to build huge websites in minutes containing as many pages as you want, all fully optimized for these keywords.
3) How to change ANY article to a completely different and unique article in SECONDS without the use of ANY software. This amazing technique will solve ALL your content issues allowing you to fill your website with as many completely UNIQUE ARTICLES as you want !
4) How to keep your Black Hat SEO websites under the radar of search engine algorithms so that they are not classed as black hat SEO pages giving them a long lifespan of many years as opposed to the few weeks the majority of black hat websites usually last.
5) How to get your websites indexed and in search engines within 24 HOURS without paying a single penny.
6) How to get as many free ONE WAY links as you want and more importantly how to make every single one of these one way links count in search engines as genuine votes to your website. YES - even though many webmasters may have many incoming links, search engines are only counting a small percentage of these - But the techniques in the Black Hat SEO eBook will enable every single link to be counted.

Black Hat SEO vs White Hat SEO

Black hat SEO is the technique of building and promoting a website using unfair, sneaky, sly and underhand tactics which often break search engine guidelines.

Black hat SEO techniques include buying links, spamdexing, cloaking, keyword stuffing, creating doorway pages, data mining (scraping), linkfarming, linkbaiting, empire building, linkspamming, cheating on reciprocal links and misrepresenting content.

White Hat SEO techniques involve building a great website, full of unique content and promoting that website legitimately and within search engine guidelines.

About the Author of the Black Hat SEO eBook

As an average webmaster I could not compete with all the big businesses by being white hat. I failed miserably at trying to get my websites high in SERPS (search engine results pages) for popular keywords because all these popular keywords were dominated by big businesses and because, as recently disclosed by the search engines, less than 1% of people actually look beyond the first page of results, (the top ten). I found that my websites only received a nominal amount of traffic and my dreams of internet riches seemed a million miles away.

I started to study SEO (search engine optimization) and tinkle about with my websites, by adding in a few keywords and keyword phrases that were related to my website. I had some limited success this way - but soon I realised that the quality of my website had deteriorated somewhat and I began using more black hat seo techniques.

However, because traffic was up then I became less concerned about my content quality and before long I was creating pages specifically to draw in visitors from SERPS regardless of the page quality. Then not long after that I found myself creating huge websites with thousands of pages, all stuffed with keyword spam and scraped content.

Realising search engines rank websites based on incoming links I scoured the net looking for vulnerable places to post links to my site to give it some importance in the eyes of the search engines. Another black hat SEO was born !

After building many websites containing thousands of webpages designed to draw in traffic from SERPS my black hat SEO websites were booming, and consequently sales via my affiliate commissions were over 100 times better than when I was white hat.

However, after a few months of riding high in the search engines I noticed that traffic now started to slump on some sites, many of my pages could not even be found in the search engines, and worst case, some websites had been banned and de-indexed by the major search engines for using black hat SEO techniques. However, the time and effort it took to build these websites, in relation to white hat websites was very minimal. I had worked on white hat websites, some for many years, and had very little success, but with just a few days work I could create and promote a massive black hat SEO website and have traffic flooding in within just a few weeks.

Even though I knew that my websites would not last long, it was very much worth it, and my dreams of internet riches soon became a reality as I built website after website and watched the money pouring in !

When one website became banned then I would just make another. However, soon search engines, fed up at their indexes becoming clogged full of black hat SEO spam pages, started to evolve more and more. The life span of black hat SEO websites started to get shorter and shorter. I began experimenting more and more with many websites, different ways of generating content, and ways to build automated pages made to look as real and undetectable to search engine algorithms as possible and I experimented with different ways of website promotion.

After much time and effort experimenting with many websites and well over one million webpages that I created, I have now found the perfect ways, to not only create, but also to promote a black hat SEO website so that it can remain completely undetected in search engines indefinitely.

Signature Paul Williams Author of the Black Hat SEO eBook
Paul Williams - Author Black Hat SEO eBook

About the Black Hat SEO eBook

The Black Hat SEO eBook

Contained inside the Black Hat SEO Book you will find :-

1) A complete guide to Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO and Gray Hat SEO techniques detailing each technique and concluding the best ways to implement them so that the black hat SEO techniques remain virtually undetectable.

2) Includes every dirty BlackHat SEO trick in the book - even if you are a complete White Hat SEO webmaster you cannot afford not to know these techniques as they are being used against you.

3) Also includes a complete guide to Negative SEO - Including the infamous 302 redirect. Covering what is widely know as Googlebowling or Googlebombing these are techniques black hat SEO webmasters use to affect a competitors position in SERPS.

4) PROOF !

Yes, not only am I going to show you every dirty, rotten black hat SEO technique in the book, I am going to do something that no other black hat SEO webmaster has ever done so far !


I will provide you with one URL that I personally built and promoted using black hat SEO and I will give full access to the stat counter statistics, and you will see the facts that this website is absolutely booming for two years, under the radar of search engine algorithms, bringing in hundreds of thousands of hits, in excess of 200,000 YES, you read right - two hundred thousand unique visitors, ALL from search engines and ALL fully targeted, which converted to hard CASH $$$ by redirecting to an affiliate. This website took me under one day to build. It took only 2 more days to promote using black hat SEO and then about one hour per week to keep it's pages high in SERPS.

Just this one website made between $100 and $200 PER DAY and totalled in excess of almost $100,000 over two years ! Not bad for 3 days Black Hat SEO work ! You can do it too !

It's all inside the black hat seo ebook banner.
Search Engine Optimization for Black Hat SEO Webmasters

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Still not sure about using BlackHat ?

Do you strive to make BIG money on the internet but have seen all your efforts fail ?
Do you find yourself competing for major keywords all dominated by big businesses, but you yearn to be able to compete with them ?
Do you want to make websites that flood with fully targeted traffic ?

Black Hat SEO is NOT illegal - its just a way to manipulate search engines. Thousands of black hat SEO webmasters are tapping into the internet's huge market and creating endless earnings beyond their wildest dreams, by using absolutely foolproof  black hat SEO techniques to suck huge amounts of traffic from search engines and then monetizing it !

Are you tired from working on your websites for many hours per week for years on end, still using the same old techniques trying to compete with other webmasters in your niche for the left over scraps not taken by the big businesses ?

Do you want your website to appear at the top of search engine results for THOUSANDS of related keywords ?

Do you want to build HUGE websites full of thousands of pages of completely UNIQUE content in just a few days, without having to write a single word yourself and without the use of any software?

Are you fed up paying through the nose for pay per click traffic or advertising banners that hardly ever convert ?

Do you want to have thousands of FREE targeted search engine visitors every day ? All visiting your website from related keyword searches - therefore all ripe for conversion ?

Do you want to build websites that once set up and running make huge amounts of money - even while you are sleeping ? for year after year after year !

Do you already particpate in black hat SEO but have recently found that using all these old outdated techniques are no longer working ?

If you answered yes to all the above questions then Black Hat SEO is the answer for you !

I am so confident in my eBook that anyone who is disappointed with the contents will receive their money back with no questions asked !

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Black Hat Search Engine Optimizaton

Only $79.95 NOW ONLY $29.95 for a limited period only !

Click the button to buy it NOW !

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All the blackhat SEO techniques in my eBook do not require you to purchase any additional software and can be done by using online tools available to everyone.

The Black Hat SEO eBook comes in PDF file format - if you do not have a PDF reader then you can download one for free at